Even if you get the whole world it isn't worth the cost

23 Then He said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow Me. 24 If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for My sake, you will save it. 25 And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?
The most prevalent false doctrines that the world embraces is selfishness and greed. The world's motivation is to get everything that it can get at any cost, but that is the problem, they have been deceived and they haven't seen what the price tag is on what they are buying into.
We have before us the most extreme example of a person that lived for others, Jesus was not selfish, he suffered for the sake of others, he was wrongfully rejected when he could have been the most popular guy in town, he was killed instead of being judgmental and punishing the people all around him that he had the right to condemn.
Here is the reality of the situation, even if you get every piece of wealth that the world has to offer, every treasure that there is but if you didn't follow Jesus then you have lost it all.
I need to remember what the price tag was for my eternal destiny, I have been bought at a very high price, the debt of my sin has been paid and I need to show my gratitude for Jesus sacrifice by living each day for him.
Lord, help me to fight against the world's economic policy, the stakes are too high, I need to give up my life for Christ sake so that I will be saved. Lord help us to never forget how great a sacrifice that you made for us.
We have before us the most extreme example of a person that lived for others, Jesus was not selfish, he suffered for the sake of others, he was wrongfully rejected when he could have been the most popular guy in town, he was killed instead of being judgmental and punishing the people all around him that he had the right to condemn.
Here is the reality of the situation, even if you get every piece of wealth that the world has to offer, every treasure that there is but if you didn't follow Jesus then you have lost it all.
I need to remember what the price tag was for my eternal destiny, I have been bought at a very high price, the debt of my sin has been paid and I need to show my gratitude for Jesus sacrifice by living each day for him.
Lord, help me to fight against the world's economic policy, the stakes are too high, I need to give up my life for Christ sake so that I will be saved. Lord help us to never forget how great a sacrifice that you made for us.
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