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This morning in VBS Sheri told the story about the miracle of Jesus and Peter walking on the water. We asked the kids if they could think of a miracle that they had seen and then Sheri told the kids about her miracle, the fact that she has twenty something coils in her head, the doctors never expected her to live to go on another mission trip.
The boys love the softball equipment everyday and today we finally remembered to bring the jump rope to the park and almost every kid had a turn, some at jumping rope and others used it to play the limbo game.
One little girl who calls me "wick" doesn't have a father at home and is loving the time that she can get with me, almost all of these kids are getting a rough start on life and you wish that you could do more for them.
This afternoon most of the ladies went to the nursing home to paint the ladies nails while I worked on reupholstering the chairs in the ministry center we are using for home base this week.
The home improvement team finished their project and they are moving on to a house to help a single mom tomorrow.