Friday, April 03, 2015

How Deep The Fathers Love

God still loves me as I stand with the scoffers.

The ultimate example of love and devotion is often met with faithless and unloyal hearts that just cannot be true for very long. Despite the stack of blessings that we have to look at to remind us of how loved we are we still turn our backs on God and go our own way.

God IS love, it is who he is and what he does but we still reject him even though he loves us like we yearn to be loved. Our soul longs for such love and complete acceptance but we still rebell and walk away and even fight against him.
Isaiah 53:5-6 All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all.
Few of us can look at examples like Daniel and his three friends or Joseph and say that we come anywhere close to their example but that is what God is looking for. How about the example of Paul or the original disciples or Stephen.

But he was still willing to be pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.
2 Chronicles 16:9 The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.
As I have grown through the circumstances in my life I have developed a stronger sense of loyalty and faithfulness to God but I don't imagine that I will ever come anywhere close to the examples that the Bible gives us.

Lord help me to grow in faith and love and to trust you completely everyday.