Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jesus Last Classroom


John 13 - 16


Jesus knows that this is his last teaching opportunity with his disciples and so you know that he isn’t going to waste this time. The things that he has to say right now are very important for his disciples to hear and since we are his disciples too then we should pay attention to what he has to say:

  • Serve each other and God will bless you for doing it. John 13:13-17
  • Love each other just as much as I loved you, your love for each other will prove that you belong to me. John 13:34-35, 15:12-13
  • Trust in God so that you won’t be troubled. I am making a place for you in my father’s house, when it is ready then I will come and get you. John 14:1-3
  • You will be able to do great things and you will be able to ask for anything and I will do it for you. John 14:12-13
  • If you love me then do what I ask you to do. John 14:15, 23-24
  • I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John 14:27
  • If you remain in me you will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
  • The world is not going to like you. John 15:19
  • I will send the Holy Spirit to help you. John 15:26
  • On this planet you will have a lot of trouble but you are still supposed to have peace. John 16:33

Some of these concepts are difficult to understand and some of them are just so backwards to the way that we are wired that they are just hard to do even if we do understand them.

Jesus last teaching opportunity is full of important instructions. If we just had these four chapters of the Bible and nothing else then we would certainly have plenty of information on how a Christ follower is supposed to live.


I need to concentrate on Jesus last teaching opportunity and put this stuff into practice. We have been studying at church how to be more loving, according to this I have to be willing to die for my friends. Wow!


Help me Lord to live the way you instructed your disciples to live in your final lessons to them.