Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Rage Against Jesus


Matthew 26 and 27


I cannot help but notice all of the rage that is being poured out on Jesus in Matthew 26 and 27.

The rage of the religious leaders with their mock trial, the way they were intentionally looking for false witnesses (Matthew 26:59) the way the high priest tore his robe, which was forbidden, the sarcastic attitude of the high priest when he asked the audience of other religious leaders “what do you think” and the beating and the spitting in his face and the jesting that was to follow (65-68).

Look at the anger and all the rage while Pilate was trying to let Jesus go free and the crowd became even more outraged. How could a man such as Barabbas be chosen to be set free while the gentle and kind Jesus be sentenced to cruel punishment and death.

Look at the brutal beating that the soldiers subjected Jesus to and how they mocked him. They flogged him and beat him with a staff while they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said.

Most people reacted to Jesus with outrage in the final hours before he gave up his life. It is interesting to note that Peter denied him, Judas confessed him; when the chief priests pronounced him guilty of death, Pilate declared he found no fault in him; when the women that loved him stood afar off, Pilate’s wife, who knew little of him, showed concern for him and even the soldiers at the cross declared "surely he was the Son of God!"

Yes he is the Son of God and he went through a lot for me so that I can be with him for eternity.


We should not take lightly the forces that were at work that brutally abused Jesus body. We went through so much for me that I should be willing to live for Him.


Lord Jesus thank you for making a way for me to be in fellowship with you. I pray that you will help me to live for you and be sold out to be Your man on Your mission.